The Council

The Council

North Nibley Parish Council represents approximately 300 dwellings and 700 electors throughout the Parish. In addition to the Village of North Nibley, the Parish includes hamlets in the adjoining area (see map below).

The Council is made up of 7 elected councillors who serve for a 4 year period. The current council was elected in May 2016. The Council has a Chair (and Vice Chair) who manage the Council meetings. 

The Parish Council holds Council meetings on the first Monday of the Month at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall (located on the Innocks Estate). But when the first Monday in a month is a Bank Holiday, the Council meets on the second Monday of that month.

The Council's Agenda, Minutes and associated papers can be found on this website.

Click to find out what a Parish Council does and how you can become a Councillor



Notice of Elections 



 Co-Option Application and Information



Information for potential candidates

Video - Six steps to becoming a Parish Councillor

Video - NALC Make a change, become a councillor event


Parish Council Grants.

In 2023 the Parish Council gave grants to the following organisations with thanks for all they do for the community:

Citizens Advice 

Cotswold Vale Talking Newspaper

North Nibley Congregational Chapel

North Nibley Pre School

NorthNibley.Org.Uk Village Website

Tyndale Monument Charity 

Click Here for updates on how the money has been spent

The Grant Scheme will reopen for applications at the start of February 2024 with a deadkine of 31st March 2024



The Parish Council contributes monthly summaries of Council business for the local newsletter, On The Edge. This is currently distributed in hard copy format to local parishioners. 
